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Showing posts from May, 2024

Jack Mullin '12 : Reflections on a Mom's Love

The Chapel talk tradition at Saint David's provides faculty and alumni with the opportunity to share with our boys meaningful and inspiring personal stories: their experiences, lessons learned, challenges overcome. The annual Fifth Grade Mother-Son Chapel gathers our fifth-grade boys and their mothers or mother figures for a special shared pre-Mother's Day experience; a Chapel Talk by a young alumnus who reflects upon the role his mother has played in his life. This year, we welcomed former Student Council President Jack Mullin '12. Jack's family has deep roots with school. His older brother Patrick graduated in '08 and his dad, Terry, in 1973. Jack's talk centered on the impact both his alma mater and his mother, Immy, have had on his development into the man he is today. Below are excerpts that I would like to share: "My family's multi-generational lineage is a testament to the incredible sense of community Saint David’s fosters, and I too hope I have

Service Through a Lens of Kindness

The following article, by alumnus Luke Dolan '19, appears in the current issue of Saint David's Magazine: Every morning I would start off with a coffee and then commute to work. By the time I arrived at the Red Cross building in Midtown, there would be a line of asylum-seekers stretching down 49th Street and onto 10th Avenue; many had been camping on the street since midnight in the hope of receiving an appointment at our overcrowded Asylum Application Help Center. I had the privilege of helping those lucky enough to navigate the NYC appointment scheduling system with their asylum cases. My days were spent interviewing refugees and organizing their accounts into a clear narrative for their asylum application. The process was simple: I would speak to an asylum-seeker about their reasons for fleeing their country, translate their story from Spanish to English, chronologically organize their experiences, then write a narrative for their application.  The work was incredibly demand