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Showing posts from September, 2021

Brotherhood, Fraternity, Belonging

The following is excerpted from Saint David's Magazine, Vol. 35. No. 2: A sense of belonging, a sense of connection to something greater than oneself—the essence of brotherhood—is essential to a boy. At Saint David’s, this sense of connection, of fraternity, is something we not only encourage but also cultivate, foster, and integrate into all we do. Our mission identifies Saint David’s as “a true community known for its sense of family, compassion, and kindness.” We believe it is this development of compassion, kindness, and sense of family that builds the bonds of brotherhood and establishes a sense of connection and belonging among all our boys regardless of where they’ve come from, what they believe, or their family circumstances. “That they be good men,” the aspiration of our founders and the school’s motto, is not the province of one individual; but rather a whole-of-school commitment to every boy’s well-being.   Merriam Webster defines brotherhood as “a fellowship, an allianc

Scholarly and Creative

Orientation Day at Saint David's School (*masks removed for photo). In reflecting on last year and preparing for this one, I cannot help but recognize the bravery in this community. Mission-focused and data-driven, we safely opened early and remained open during the height of the pandemic. No small feat, it required both personal and professional bravery on the part of our teachers and staff, and trust and courage on the part of our boys and their families. We were cautious to the extent necessary, but committed to living our school’s principal mission and purpose. Our successful experience is a testament to the strength, resilience, and bravery of this community. As we embark on our school’s 71st year, Covid-19 remains with us and we will be called upon again to be brave, resilient, flexible, and strong. Although closer to normal, our new school year will not reflect a full return to pre-Covid days. It will continue to challenge and test us in ways we cannot possibly anticipate. A