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Showing posts from December, 2021

Great Schools Are Patient Places

Boys don’t learn subjects; they learn teachers. Great schools appreciate that all learning is social and that the best learning is achieved through relational teachers--educators who take the time to know and see exactly who their students are, not only as learners, but also as people. This is what Saint David’s teachers do. They see and appreciate a boy for who he is, and then work with him to draw him out to help him realize and, as our mission states, fulfill his potential. This requires patience. The importance of patience is demonstrated throughout our program. Our eighth grade art history students have just completed their NBS Lectures, one of several experiences in our humanities course. Guided throughout by teachers Ms. Milligan and Mr. Burton, each boy researched a notable work by a renowned artist, then prepared a lecture and visual presentation that included in-depth analysis of such components as impact of the artist, iconography, color, and balance, among others. Their pee