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Showing posts from April, 2022

Stories of Brothers Bound by Shared Sacrifice

The notion of what it means to be a good man is at the heart of the mission of Saint David's School. This Seventh Grade Father/Son Dinner is an annual special event in which fathers or father figures, and sons explore what it means to be a good man, the relationship between parent and son, and other mission-inspired themes. We were thrilled to have fathers, sons, grandparents, brothers or other paternal influences in the lives of our boys at table together last week for this signature event--the first time we could hold it in person in the last two years. This year's featured guest speaker, Kevin M. Callahan, wrote  Brothers in Arms: Remembering Brothers Buried Side by Side in American World War II Cemeteries . Callahan's book centers on the stories of brothers who died fighting for freedom during the Second World War. After graduating from Yale University, Mr. Callahan had visited the American cemetery at Normandy and was taken by both the beauty of the grounds and the sac

Teaching Our Boys "How to Think"

The following article by Alexis Aoyama, Saint David's Assistant Headmaster and Head of Upper School, appears in the latest issue of Saint David's Magazine : At Saint David’s, we strive to educate boys to be scholarly and creative. As defined in the Headmaster’s opening letter, “scholarly connotes a boy of great knowledge and learning, an erudite, educated, lettered, literate, well-read boy.”(1) Through diligent study, reading a variety of genres, evaluation of primary sources from a range of perspectives, and close observation, boys develop their knowledge base and begin to make sense of the world around them. We also aspire for our students to be creative – boys who are “innovative, inventive, and original (as opposed to imitative).”(1) To nurture and develop the creative mind, we provide boys opportunities to apply what they have learned to novel situations, to think outside of the box, and to build and create.  When designing curriculum at Saint David’s, we attend to both th