There is nothing like that special connection between a boy and his musical instrument, and the collaboration involved in listening and responding to fellow musicians. Each individual contributes his own unique piece to the more complex and complete whole. This morning, our Philharmonic Ensemble performed in our theatre, together for the first time since the pandemic began.
Through most of this school year, the boys were restricted by Covid protocols to rehearsing just with members in their own grade. Recently, we were able to bring all our Ensemble musicians, who span Grades Four through Eight, together for a series of rehearsals. The boys were thrilled to be able to play with and off each other as an orchestra, with our esteemed Ensemble Director Philip Hough leading them through St. Anthony Choral (Joseph Haydn), Cielito Lindo (Traditional Mexican Folk Song) and Brandeburg Concerto No. 3, 1st movement (Johann Sebastian Bach) - much to the delight of their parents and the faculty and staff in the audience.
For me, it was a special moment that marked the continued resilience of our community and the school's steadfast commitment to the classical concept of "balance" among the academics, athletics, spirituality, and the arts. Each one of our four pillars is essential, grounding Saint David's in an education that addresses all boys' needs. We recognize there are varied ways that boys learn and thrive, and the importance of each boy having supportive space to find his place in exploring a talent, interest, or passion. In enabling this exploration, we lay the foundation for boys to achieve meaningful fulfillment in life and to realize our ultimate aspiration for our graduates ... Ut Viri Boni Sint.